The program's impact is powerful and research highlights include better health, renewed energy, and increased capacity
Conclusions of survey analysis conducted by a team of associates and professor Dragutin Košuta, PhD, a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, show compelling results. Conducted over a two-year period and based on 1,000 program attendees, primarily men and women in managerial positions between the ages of 30 and 60, the aim of the study was to investigate how the E Rejuvenation program affects the general condition of the body, life satisfaction, and work efficiency, especially in
the business management sector.
Relieving stress and fatigue, renewed energy, increased mental and emotional capacity, quick physical recovery, and improved health are just a few of the amazing results reported.
After one day
24 hours makes a world of difference. Results confirm that participants are significantly more relaxed after just one day of use of the E Rejuvenation program.
After one week
Say goodbye to poor sleep. After just seven days of using the E Rejuvenation program, sleep improves and stress levels are significantly reduced.
After one month
When it comes to setting business and personal goals, data shows that continuously using the E Rejuvenation program for 30 days leads to improvements in all measured areas. Clients achieve 75% of their goals and 98% of them find the program useful.
Go further, faster, in pro sports with E Rejuvenation
E Rejuvenation programs promote and accelerate physical recovery, which proves to be extremely useful for professional athletes.
“As a doctor who has been practicing sports medicine for many years, I would definitely recommend E Rejuvenation, especially to top athletes. The program is extremely useful in the fight against stress, and as a fast and quality way to recover from exertion, training, and performances. As the spine is the pillar of the body, spine treatments are also important in sports given the massive pressure that is put on them.
This program helps athletes to focus better and raises their concentration and mental strength. The psychological stability gained in this way helps them achieve top sports results."
— Nataša Desnica, MD sports medicine
With a consistent approach to the regeneration of the body, the recovery process is improved and long-term resilience of the whole body is affected positively. This reduces the risk of potential injuries and their recurrence, which is often the case due to the fast and intensive processes of preparation and recuperation, and the high pace of professional sports.